Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Seeing off Pine

My brother-in-law has done many trips in China and he always came back with all kinds of souvenirs. Once, I was going through all his China's postcards and I really liked the one where we could see a "giant Bonsai". This painting found its way in my daughter's home. It is oil on canvas and it's titled "The seeing off Pine" (the photo was taken at Mount Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in the province of Anhui, China.

Mon beau-frère a fait plusieurs voyages en Chine et rapportait toute sorte de souvenirs. En regardant les cartes postales provenant de ce pays, j'ai bien aimé celle où l'on pouvait apercevoir un bonsaï "grosseur nature". Cette peinture a trouvé le gîte chez ma fille. Créée à l'huile sur toile montée, l'étude est intitulée "The seeing off Pine"(photo prise au mont Huangshan (la montagne jaune) dans la province d'Anhui en Chine.

18" X 14" (Private collection/Collection privée)

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